The Mobility Queen logo
The Mobility Queen logo features a heart symbolizing my compassion for the disabled community, inspired by my mother’s caring nature. I aim to turn lemons into lemonade by using my voice to help others with mobility issues. The circle represents unity, supporting not just the disabled but also their caregivers, and bringing my mother’s legacy full circle. By following me, you can join this circle and help improve the future for all.
The crown stands for dignity and power, reflecting the strength and inspiration we can provide while changing perceptions of disabilities. Since discovering through the show “Finding My Roots” that my brother Bob and I are related to King Charles, it feels fitting to learn how to wear a crown. Pink symbolizes femininity, love, and compassion, inspired by my mother. My goal is to empower women facing mobility challenges, drawing from my unique perspective and compassion from my own experiences.
Let Love Lead
You never know where the next step will take you. After years of being on the move, I traded in my roller board luggage for a four pronged cane and an AFO brace. My steps going forward come from my heart to help others

What You Can Expect
My mission goes far beyond the disabled community, but my work will directly benefit those who are primarily disabled like me. I also want to reach out to those who have temporary mobility issues, like those who are recovering from a knee or hip replacement. Did you twist your ankle from a fall at pickleball? Yep, The Mobility Queen is here for you too, with products that can help and practical advice for your recovery.
This website will be fun, full of humor and inspiring stories. Using my product development know-how, I’ll also share and create innovative products.